Sunday, August 24, 2008

once again I write

To all I adore,

So yeah I am pretty bad at keeping my blog up to date. I have not had the urge to use the internet lately for some reason unknown to myself. I get on and check emails and there is still a "0" staring at me from my inbox. That is probably one of the cataylst to my non internet useage. Things are going well.

At work I am going back to the group I was originally hired for in January and April by the latest. I am project lead on a few things that need to be wrapped up prior to transferring. I am very excited to go to a new group but sad as well. I have made great friends in the group I am working and it will be sad not to see them everyday but I am excited about the new challenge. I am up for a promotion soon and will hopefully get that before Christmas.

The wedding planning is coming together kind of, we are still patching up gaps we forgot about. Today we selected the songs for the ceremony that our organist/painist will play. She is very talented and I look forward to hearing her on the day. We got our rings and are finalizing our catering. There is a bunch of other stuff but oh well.

My college roommate from UO is staying with us and is about to leave back to school. It has been nice having a friend around here for once. Shane will also be in the wedding. Yesturday the three of us took the Yellowstone tour. It was a long day of driving but we made it to a lot of spots. My personal favorite as normal is the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. We went up to Mammouth hot springs but they were dried out for the summer. That was a waste but we tried.

I am currently reading Philip Pullman's "Dark Materials". They are far better than I predicted them to be. I am trying to read some classics like "Walden" and others but keep getting sucked back into modern. Oh well.

Well maybe this is not as long as I wanted it to be but oh well, at least it is something.

Hugs and kisses,

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