Saturday, February 09, 2008


To all those I adore,

So yeah my birthday is coming up. Most of you won't even think to get me anything and that is fine I probably do not expect you to so no worries. So this blog concerns those that do want to get me something for my birthday. So here is my list.

- A new bike...I know fat chance but oh well thought I would try.
- A house.
- A new car.

So now here is the realistic list.

- Born Standing Up by Steve Martin, this guy is effing funny incase you did not know that already.
- The Aeneid by Virgil, translated by Robert Fagles, this detail I am particular about I really like this guy's mad translating skills and want this particular one.
- The Odyssey by Homer, once again translated by Robert Fagles, this I am particular about.
- Beowulf...not the movie book, but the poem.
- The Art of War by Sun Tzu the barnes and nobles classic one.
- Paradise Lost by John Milton.
- Some Walt Whitman, maybe like a complete poems book or something.
- Aseops Fables, translator doesn't matter too much.
- Troy: The Fall of Kings by David Gemmel (I am actually waiting for the paper back edition to come out but if you feel like blowing $25 on this book for me feel free to).

- Spiderman 3
- The Jerk
- Robin Williams Live at the Met & Ane Evening with Robin Williams Stand-up

- Against Me! album Reinventing Axl Rose
- Against Me! album As the Eternal Cowboy
- Against Me! album Searching for a Formal Clarity

- Of you.
- Of me.
- Of us.
- Of us with some other people.
- Of you with some other people.
- Of me with some other people.

Well that is about all I can think of for now so yeah enjoy.

Love and kisses,

To leave you with a quote:
"I celebrate myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you."
~Walt Whitman