To those I adore,
It has been a long time coming. The picture I have promised over and over again. Here below is a few of our journey so far.

Ah the happy parents of a super genius...only took 6 years of college education and bam I have a piece of paper saying I am smart.

I just thought this is a typical picture of Kailey and I, you see she looks very prepaired and beautiful, while I have the look of passing gas while trying to but on my best smile. I always seem to be caught off gaurd, if you do not believe me ask Kailey for any pictures of us, you will see.

This is a picture of Dr. Hamby and I at the N.E. departments graduation day brunch. He was my advisor for 3 years and an extremely funny guy. It just takes about two months to comprehend that he was making a joke.

The Harpole Family and I, minus Paige. I was super excited that they came. Also, just to remind you look how beautiful Kailey is, and another reminder, remember what I said about off gaurd, look where all of our eyes are pointin (not the camera).

Dr. Palmer, coolest guy, has awesome taste in music, minus the fact he enjoys Rush. Looks like I am not the only one releaved I graduated. This guy helped me get my internship at INL. He is an insane test giver, but awesome teacher.

I graduate most hardcore of all graduates that year, can't you see by that super hardcore face I am making. YEAH!!!

After graduation I had about a day to say my goodbyes and head back to INL where I spent a majority of my summer in this room working setting up my experiment I designed the summer before. It was hot, real hot, no AC.

After a brief eight weeks I headed home from INL this was a shot I took outside of my windshield heading home. I thought it was super beautiful, it is somewhere near the border I think.

This was very very very early in the morning of the day we left for North Carolina. I dare not show the picture of Kailey and I outside of the Uhaul for fear of death.

Passing back through Idaho, only about two days after I left it. I know short return home. I wish I could have had more time to say goodbye. I miss home a lot.

I think this is outside of Utah, or maybe Utah I am not sure. We really should have kept a photo journal along our way but instead I guess.

This is Wyoming just after leaving Utah. It was very pretty there now that I think about it. If you ever drive across the US, then appreciate the west because as soon as you get half way through Wyoming it is all the saem scenary.

Oh Nebbraska, I did not really drive though Nebraska, instead I saw a lot of corn, and I mean a lot of corn!

Iowa, just like Nebraska a whole lot of nothing for the entire state.

We passed the Mississippi twice I believe this is a picture of it the first time, the second time we passed we didn't get that great of photos. It is hard when you have to dig the camera out of the bag start it and quickly take photos of places before you pass then because we were not stopping for anything.

For those of you who want to know what the non-east or non-west US looks like here you go. Nothing but this for hundreds of miles.

All driving and no play makes Rick a dull boy. I got bored and took a lot of photos when I was bored.

Ah, Kentucky, mmmmm, whiskey. Anyways if you ever drive to Louisville, do not stay in the center lane. We hit a bump so big I thought we caught air and lost Kailey's car that we had been towing. After hitting it I kept looking in the mirrors to see if traffic had stopped or if it was slowing down because her car came lose. But fortunately it made it with not a scratch.

There is a reason all horror movies are made in West Virginia and we found out why, it is creapy. This was the morning after we stayed the night, you could only see about 150 feet in front of you.

Finally we arrive, on the hottest most humid day Raleigh has seen in a long time according to our land lady. Which was most conveniant for unpacking and moving our stuff in. We slept on an air matress that night and next morning we got up and helped John's father unload his stuff from the Uhaul which went rather quickly. then we unloaded our stuff except our dressers. It only took about three hours for all of it we just moved everything to the living room except our bed which we took right upstairs. Then it took about two months to unpack everything expect the office, that we just got put together abotu two weeks ago.

Kailey's twenty first birthday. It was Pirates of the Caribbean themed. I tried to do my best but I know she missed home a lot that day. But I made her a yummy cake!!

Later that night we found this. A huge giant something. Kailey knows what it is I forget all I know is that it was nasty.

I thought people from California couldn't drive, this happened in a parking lot. I think from the position of the dent in her car any moron could deduce that someone backed into her. Instead the insurance bastards said that it was both of their faults. I still want to go find the lady who backed into her and take a baseball bat to her car. Her story changed from the police report to the insurance adjuster. It was completely unfair.
Well I believe that conclude the pictorial representation for now.
To leave you with a quote:
"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."
~Albert Einstein
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