To those I adore,
BAM!!! The Hulk would own the Thing but unfortunately on this day the Thing was quicker on the draw.
Here is another long awaited photo update. These pictures are of our new home here in Raleigh...well not so new since we have been here for a few months. To start with here is the outside of our complex there you can see Kailey walking to her car, all of these pictures were taken today.

Below is another view of our complex taken right outside my front door. It is a cozy neighborhood townhouse apartment thingy. Mostly families live here, there are a few students around here but not many. We have a pool right across the parking lot from where I reside about a stones throw away.

Here is yours truly outside of our front door. You can see our office window above me.
This is the back of our apartment, as you can see we do not have much of a patio. We rarely go outside,
in fact today was the first time I went out back and I only did to take this photo. There are many large bugs back here that I
fiercely had to do battle with just to take this photograph.

Here is a picture of our new couches they are super nice, microfiber or something like that. They are impossible to stain really everything comes up with water. I recently rearranged our living room because, well that is what I do when I am bored. I love it like this and I think Kailey does too. I really like the wall hanging Kailey's grandmother made. As you will see we have already started decorating for Christmas.
Below is another view of our living room, you can see Paige's (Kailey's sister) charcoal drawing in the corner with the red border, and of course our Christmas tree. Also the couches are covered with my mother's handmade afghans. They are super warm and rarely need since it is so freaking hot here, but they make it feel like home.
Here i sour tiny T.V. and our front door. The mirror I believe was my grandmother's and I really like it. I am not certain on that but I know it has been in my household since I can remember. Oh yeah and
in case you didn't notice our rug in the center was purchased earlier this year for only twenty dollars pretty good deal eh? Also below you will notice we put up a little stocking for our kitty cat Sirius.
Here are a few Christmas decorations we have as you can see on the doorknob is some bells, then there are candles and some statues.

More Christmas decorations down below, we pretty much got everything at the dollar store so we spent about thirty dollars and now have a home feeling Christmas decorated apartment. Wow, that was long winded. Anyways there is a story behind this stand thing here. We have found a lot of good things just sitting out by the garbage. Take for example those things that go on the back of your toilet to hold linen, someone threw one out and I took it apart and we use it in the living room as a shoe wrack. This end stand thing I found out by John and Harmony's it is damn near brand new. Looks pretty nice but for some reason someone just ditched it. Among other things I have seen are furniture such as love seats and what not. I do not really understand it here. People do not bring their old stuff to Goodwill. Why just throw a perfectly good something away. Now some of you are probably giggling because I find this stuff around trash, well go ahead joke all you want but people here really are idiots and throw away nice stuff. Of course I am poor and I will take a hand out.
Here is our downstairs half bathroom located by the kitchen. It is very very tiny as you will soon see.

As you can see it is a very tiny bathroom, but it is
ok for downstairs Kailey makes use of it to do her hair and makeup in the mornings.

Here is our dining area with our new table and our so called french doors. As you can see only one door has a
doorknob and opens from the left and not middle. So of course it can't be french doors. Oh well they are still pretty.

Here is our kitchen, it is really tiny but it is pretty nice we have a dishwasher and garbage disposal and enough room for one person to cook comfortably.

Now for the upstairs, I wanted to take a picture going upstairs but I forgot so oh well. Here is a picture looking downstairs.

To start with here is our bathroom upstairs. It is very tiny as well and has a
super small sink since you can't even see it in this picture.

Here is what I look like when I am getting clean. Here is our neat shower, I enjoy it as you can see.

Next is our office here is my Christmas nativity scene on my computer. Batman plays the part of baby Jesus and I will let you figure out the rest.

Down yonder is my part of the office. My desk my awesomely cool pictures and stuff.

Here is our bookcase type of thing and our recliner up here which of course has become Sirius' second home.

This is Kailey's brand new desk she really digs it, as you can tell it is not quite as awesomely cool as my table.

This next room is where the magic happens. Yes you know it folks, this is where Rick sleeps, hey get your mind out of the gutter punk! As you can tell it also doubles as my music studio. We often have jam sessions and rock out all night long.

This is our bed with those
Chinese light thingies over our heads. The quilt that is on here is like a million little pieces, it is awesome. Kailey's
grandmother hand made this
magnificent quilt. Sirius is a picture whore, he has to be in every photo.

So that concludes your holiday tour of the city. Hope you had fun.
Love and kisses,
To leave you with a quote:
~Some guy who works at the theatre here.
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