Sunday, January 13, 2008

1001 ways to get angry, plan a wedding

To all I adore,

First off this is not meant to make anyone mad, it is just me venting about my frustrations.

Things have been frustrating lately with wedding planning. I am at my ends. We do not have a place to have it yet and it is very frustrating for me. I like to have a plan and be ahead of schedule and be prepared. We want to have it back in Oregon but I am almost to the point of scratching that idea. The more and more I think about it the more and more I get stressed. It would be a thousand times easier to have it here. That way we can plan it here, and hopefully we will have a house by then which would make things even easier. We would not have to fork out a bill to stay in a hotel, even know we will probably end up staying with Kailey's parents. For all the last minute things we would be in a familiar area and would know where to go. We could go and find our own church and not have to rely on photographs and descriptions.

The only thing is if we have it here not all the people we want to have will come. It would make things a lot cheaper, much much cheaper, and less complicated for the future bride and groom but no we are too nice, and are going to give in and have it in Oregon where it makes things harder on us and easier on everyone else. I am realizing how much weddings are not about the bride and groom and how much it is about pleasing every guest. Don't get me wrong I want everyone to come and have a blast and see our union, I just am disappointed on how not understanding people are. I just wish you all would see where we are coming from. We are not made of money. It is frustrating because all the things I thought would be the easiest to come by seem like the most frustrating and complicated. I heard once that when planning a wedding you will always either be angry or make other people angry and I guess that is true. I just wish it was easier, it is hard to get everything we want to get done when we are hundreds of miles away and it is very frustrating.

My parents are going to help us out by searching for a church later this month as soon as I send them an email saying what I want in my church/reception hall. Having the church and reception hall will take a major load off of my mind. Even though I am a non traditionalist when it comes to religion, I would still like to have it in a church. I really dig the dim lighting and stain glass feel to Churches and find it to be an ideal place to get married. I prefer a non-denominational wedding, but Kailey is Lutheran so I do not mind having a Lutheran wedding. I was raised Mormon but am in no way affiliated with LDS (besides living in Idaho). I would not mind a Presbyterian wedding either because I went to youth group there.

For reception halls I wouldn't mind what my brother Jeff did and have it at a hotel where everyone booked their rooms. It makes things easier for people who want to get shitfaced, instead of having to sober up, or take a cab back to their hotel they can just take the elevator to their room and puke their guts out or pass out. The only thing is I would like the place to be able to serve booze, so people will have the opportunity to do this. I would love to have karaoke at the reception because that was a blast at Jeff's wedding. Except I would make it a requirement to either do a keg stand or sing a song, either way I am entertained, Mom I know you will choose the keg stand.

Love and kisses,

To leave you with a quote:
"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quit worrying about what everyone else wants and do what you and Kailey want. The church in Springfield, that my parents go to is still open. They are willing to join the congregation to bypass the fees you would have to pay. It is a nice church, Kailey has been there a few times for Christmas Eve Services.