I feel it is necessary to apologize for my absence of updates, sorry. Ok so now that that is done with, let's get on to news, or lack of, to start I will tell about progress with my job situation. It sucks, I am in limbo, purgatory whatever you may want to call it. It's like they're fishing, I am the fish, a very willing fish ready to bite, yet they are fumbling with the worm. So yeah I am still waiting on stuff, I am sure most of you know what is going on for those that do not know I probably would tell you but there are a few out there I do not want to disclose this information with.
In other news Rob got married, Kailey and I went, I was in a tux and may I say I look mind blowingly handsome, just look it's true. As for everyone else I guess they looked spiffy. Hey it's my blog deal with my ego boost I need one now. It was a pretty insane little vacation since we arrived on a Thursday and then on Friday I had the longest physical in my life in Pittsburgh and was late for the rehearsal dinner. Then we went to the bachelor party, which never ever have it the night before the wedding, because you wake up a little tired. The wedding was smooth, the reception was fun beside having extremely sore feet. I had an awesome time up there, finally got to see my nephew (Caden/ham) and niece (Melina/chunk). Also look below, more pictures to come sometime.

Hmm what else...well today I went to the cheap seats and saw Reign Over Me and thought it to be excellent. I think it is one of the best dramas made this year. Many of you know that I have odd taste in movies though. It was good very well done, Adam Sandler is superb in this non-comical role, the soundtrack to the movie is great as well. A lot of 80's hits are in there with some 70's here and there. The ending song is "Love Reign O'er Me" originally a song by The Who, but performed by Pearl Jam.
Well that is all for now sorry this is so short but I am sure if I get good news some time you will hear a much more joyous update but for now just keep on trucking.
Love and kisses,
To leave you with a quote:
"Only love
Can make it rain
The way the beach
Is kissed by the sea
Only love
Can make it rain
Like the sweat of lovers
Layin' in the fields"
~ The Who
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