Monday, February 19, 2007

if I could turn back!

To all those I adore, and Cher,

Time travel is not possible. First to prove it is not possible we simply look at the conservation of mass in a closed system. The mass in a closed system will simply remain constant. So since most people will want to time travel to their own past, and or another time it is not possible. So consider Earth as the closed system. Two bodies of the same mass (i.e. you) cannot exist in the same system. You can not squeeze a size 12 foot into a size 6 shoe, just not possible. However, matter can change form but it cannot be created or destroyed (unless you start talking about anti-neutrinos). So in theory you could come back as long as something went forward of the same mass. However, that would require some neat and sophisticated device. Also, you would either have to travel to a time before you existed or transfer your past mass to the future as long as they are equal.

Now some people still may be thinking well physics is really relative only to Earth so how can physics hold for the entire galaxy. For this mass conservation still exist. The only physics that holds once you are away from Earth is anything independent of time. You see the further you get away the different time becomes. It is the theory of relativity. Considering the entire world we can assume safely that it is at steady state (dM/dt=0) and mass is conserved.

Now consider that this is not longer a closed system that we consider the universe is expanding then (dM/dt is not =0). Then it is still easy to prove time travel is not possible. So at point A when I want to start my journey back in time the volume of the universe is Va. I want to go back to point B, and corresponding volume Vb. This is obviously not possible because new material exist in Va that does not in Vb and it is possible to cary some of that back in time which would break the conservation of mass principle.

Anyways as you can tell I am bored. You people need to post comments on here I feel like no one ever reads this stuff.

Love and kisses,

To leave you with a quote:
"Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind."
~Evan Esar

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