To those I adore,
So now vacation is over, the first homework has been assigned and completed. The good news is I still have not learned my lesson on
homework. I have gone to school for going on 7 years of college now and I still wait until the day before the homework is due to start it, even when the professor urges the students to not wait, what do I do, wait. However, I did complete it on time so no worries. The job search is going slow, I applied for several jobs back west but so far have heard from none. The east is not me, I need the west, I feel different here. I am not as easy going as I used to be. Everything sometimes seems like a great pressure coming down on me. Sometimes I feel like I can't bare it. I have no escape here, back at
OSU I could take a drive and get some
scenery for lunch, here I see nothing but the tree lurking in front of me. Anyways that is enough bitching for now. I am applying to
OSU again and will hopefully be back there next fall, or get a job before then!
Now onto better brighter things! I got a cat! Well we paid for him to get his nuts disabled but on Saturday we get to bring him home. Kailey has been a pain (sorry but you have) about the names I have picked out. She named her cat Sirius, after the Harry Potter character Sirius Black, his full name is Captain Sirius Jack Black Sparrow, yeah put it all together and you have Kailey's favorite actor, book, and movie character. So when picking out names for my cat I was thinking of sticking to the Harry Potter theme.

He is a grey kitten and I picked out Neville, or Cedric. Long ago I posted a blog saying I was going to name him Neville, but Kailey didn't like that. She suggested names from other books I like. I have recently been in a relationship with Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I thought Roland (pictured below) the main character would be a nice name also, but then that name was rejected.

So I thought what other books have unique names that I have really enjoyed, and
bam the
Iliad popped into mind so I went through the list of great characters Achilles, Ajax, etc. All names have been vetoed. So now I am once again nameless for my kitten. I have been racking my brain for a name, my last cat I named
Beeth-oven, but we ended up calling him Beethoven. So I was thinking of more classical artist I like. Maybe I will name him Dali after the painter. It really depends on how he acts when we bring him home. At least I didn't name him Grey Kitty or Cucumber, sorry that was a little poke at Paige, ha ha. So if anyone who reads this has any clue what to name a pure grey cute kitten let me know. I was thinking of
Gandalf, but that is a little obvious since it is
Gandalf Greybeard.
Anywho let me know what you think I will put a picture up on Saturday.

What else is in the news,
hmmm, oh Kailey and I are going to a concert tomorrow night which should be fantastic since we have not been to one since being back east. It should be awesome, I just want to get out and live again, do something fun. I am really looking forward to it. The band is one of Kailey's favorites, I never really listened to them that much. However, the opening band sucks so much, I don't even want to sit through their performance. I doubt Kailey does either. All I know is that I am not standing by the 10 foot tall speaker again like I did at Taking Back Sunday. I couldn't hear out of my left ear for three days.
So, if you are reading this you should leave a comment or shoot me an email. I do not hear much from anyone anymore and it is a little sad.
Hugs and kisses,
To leave you with a quote:
"Passion makes the world go round. Love just makes it a safer place."
~ Ice T
You sound good Rick. All in all, seems you are making the best of the situation you are in, taking it one day at a time and enjoying the journey. This sounds so cheesy, but yeah, I like reading your words..they encourage me and make me smile. Thank you, Morgen
what was the name of the old crow that roland met in the wasteland\desert? the one that lived with the hermit. the crows name might work.
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