Welcome friends and family. This is my blog. Yes I am writing a blog. I have decided to make a blog that I can write in. It will be about my life in general. This is going out to all of my family and friends so if they care to keep up with daily events in my life they can. I will try to keep up with the current events in my life, however I am not as ambitious as some(ie Bob). I will not write every day but I will try to several times a week. So enjoy. Since I will be moving across country. I think this would be an easy way for everyone to keep up with me without having to talk to me, because well let's face it I don't really talk very long on phones.
So here is a quick update for those of you that have been out of the loop for awhile. I graduated in the spring from Oregon State University with a bachelor's degree in Nuclear Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. On a whim I decided to apply for graduate school last winter. I could only afford to apply to two schools.
So I went with the familiar OSU, and the other was a school that had shown interest in me for once, NCSU. In February I flew out with my good friend John (who had also applied) to NCSU to visit the campus. I enjoyed my time there but came away with remorse of a wasted trip. Well, on the contrary, NCSU offered full funding for a TA position for my first year. I accepted, due to the fact that OSU only had enough money to fund 4 graduate students. OSU eventually ran into more money but their offer was too little too late.

The following months I studied hard and started a plan of action to move to NC. The great part of moving to NC is that Kailey (my girlfriend for the past year and a half) decided to come with me, which is a great thing because I am not sure I could do it without her.
As for the summer Kailey and I are in different states. I am at INL for another summer working on a similar project that relates to last summer. Kailey is in Corvallis working at Figaro's Pizza, a job she hates and will hopefully quit soon. Kailey visited last week and it was the best time I have had in Idaho. I will be coming back to Oregon on August 11. However, I will be moving shortly after.
To leave you with a quote:
"Bears have it all."
I remember the bears quote - priceless. Do I really write that much? I'll stop once I get back, I promise.
Anyway, glad to see your new blog.
That is a great Blog. I can't wait to see the daily updates. Thanks for sharing it with me. (Bobbette)
Inspiration for the name of your blog. A collection of short stories by: Reeshma Thrones?
Thought of the film of the same name, but knowing your love of reading books nobody else has heard of I would guess a book inspired the naming of your personal blog.
Love, Dad
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