It has been awhile since I have wrote, for that I am sorry. I have been well busy. Many of you know that over Spring Break I went to Idaho for a job interview, and many of you are anxious to hear how it went. So to recap for those who have not heard in person it went well enough. The one thing I was concerned about was when the guy interviewing me said I may be over qualified, i.e. I would get bored with the job. This is not the case, in fact this is a job I would really enjoy and am still really hoping for. I was supposed to hear back within a week, but I called last Thursday and they were suppose to get back to me this week. I am still hoping to get the job but who knows at this point. I know that last Friday they called some of my contacts I put on the application which is a good sign I suppose. I just hope all of them know how much I want this job.
Other than waiting and hoping not much has been going on besides school stuff. I came back from Idaho and caught Kailey's cold which still lingers with me. I ran a fever of 102.5 a week ago and Kailey said I was faking it. Jeff came the weekend I was really sick but we hung out played some vids and kicked backed and relaxed. We saw Casino Royal in the cheap seats it was pretty good. Earlier Jeff and I saw 300 which was an absolutely kick ass action movie.
Oh, I almost forgot I celebrated my quarter century birthday last week. It was good, Kailey got me a football which is what I wanted most. I also got from her a cool outdoor activities thingy which has like horseshoes, bad mitten, tennis, and a volleyball in it, with the net. She made me a delicious German chocolate cake. My friends John and Harmony got me an X-men puzzle and graphic novel. Surprisingly I have reinstated my comic book habit. I have started to actually collect. I am not a back issue freak, I just picked up a few books and have been collecting them for awhile now. Especially since the Dark Tower is now on it's second issue under Marvel. Kailey boarded and bagged all my comics so I no longer keep them in binders now I have a box full of them. It is pretty neat.
Well that is all for now. I will let you know how the job thing goes. I hope all of you are well.
To leave you with a quote:
"Always look on the bright side of life."
~Monte Python