So far we have planned a few things for the future. We need to buy furniture such as a couch, kitchen table, washer and dryer, a desk, and besides furniture we may end up getting another kitty. This time I get to pick him/her which will be an it out. I think we will stick with the Harry Potter names, but as to which name we are not sure until we see it. I am kind of keen on Neville, for Neville Longbottom.
Let me think what else is new, hmmm, well school is ok. I am not sure if I wrote about this or not last time, but instead of being a TA I was bumped up to an RA. For those of you who do not know a TA is a teaching assistant mainly you are the profs slave and grade grade grade, and if the prof is lazy enough you teach the class. Instead I am an RA, research assistant. Now I am working for a prof on a project. The project I have is the PULSAR reactor here on campus is a 1 MW reactor. They want to see if it is plausible to upgrade to a 4 MW reactor. I will be doing the in depth analysis of this possibility and provide a roadmap to the upgrade.
The project actually really interest me a lot and I am looking forward to diving into it. However, this is not final but I think I will just do my masters here. The east coast right now just is not me. It is pretty here but I need seasons, and less bugs. So I have been thinking about what I can do, and I have been thinking about finishing my masters here then trying to get hired on at INL and getting my PhD at ISU. That is what my mentor did and now he is making the big bucks after only 3 or 4 years working at INL. Plus after last summer I realized I actually really enjoy it in Idaho.
Other news, my friend John and Harmony arrived last weekend with their new baby Skyler whom we met tonight. He is a really cute baby, I am still scared to hold babies so Kailey held him. I probably will eventually hold him, so far I have not held a baby in my life so that is why I am a little apprehensive. Anyways that's all for tonight.
Love and kisses,
To leave you with a quote:
"Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, and why we died. All that matters is that today, two stood against many. Valor pleases you, so grant me this one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, the HELL with you!"
~Conan the Barbarian